Our Wedding Party consists of our closest friends and family. We wanted to take a moment to thank them for inspiring us and supporting us. We love you guys and look forward to all the future memories we will create together!
 |  | I rememeber the first day I met my niece Mya! I was stationed in Korea and it was over webcam. She was just a newborn at the time sleeping in her mommys arms. It wasn't until she was 6 months old when I got to hold her for the first time. She's growing up so fast; already 8 years old and has accomplished so much! It's an honor to have her as our flower girl! |
 |  | George, a member of the Umbrella Corp. ready to defend his house and his loved ones from the inevitable apocalypse. George and I have known each other for a couple years now and we've become very good friends. You can usually find us together out for taco tuesday. If you're superstitious, George would be the reason that I'm getting married. I attended George's wedding and I caught the garter belt. Thanks George, but I already knew I was going to marry Rose, but a little extra boost of luck doesn't hurt ;) I would be honored for George to be one of my groomsman as I say my vows to my bride. |
 |  | Joe is Rose's older brother. Unfortunately Joe and I live on the opposite ends of California. I've spent some time with him and we get along great. I'm looking forward to have Joe be a part of my family as much as me being a part of his. |